Why Dealing With Grief is Different for Everyone
Dealing with grief is tough. When someone loses a spouse or loved one, a numb feeling sets in and they are stunned and surprised that
Dealing with grief is tough. When someone loses a spouse or loved one, a numb feeling sets in and they are stunned and surprised that
I often write about the aftermath of grief. It is my own personal experience with this that inspired me to write Brave in A New
Anticipating the “first Christmas” without my husband produced a lot of anxiety within me. I remember doing last-minute errands on Christmas Eve, one stop included
A few years ago, I was sitting in a neighborhood nail salon getting a manicure. The front of the salon has a huge window which
When someone loses a spouse there will soon come a time when they will need someone else to listen to them as they mourn, asking
I believe that being a happy human is not so out of reach.My husband Chuck was a contented, balanced human being, however, I would never
The loss of a mother at a rather early age is very traumatic. I know several people who, at early ages in their lives, have
When I was taking care of my husband Chuck during his bout with pancreatic cancer, some days were very, very tough, and grueling. It required
The loss of a spouse is best described by those who have experienced such in almost unspeakable terms. Tragic, sad, unbearable, unimaginable, and yet spouses
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. During my early years, I lived in South Brooklyn, in an area that is now known as Boerum
It was a very long time before I was able to use my husband Chuck’s name and the word dead in the same sentence. I
When someone loses a spouse there will soon come a time when they will need someone else to listen to them as they mourn, asking
I had several landmark events that occurred during my husband’s bout with Stage IV pancreatic cancer. I had a milestone birthday the December before he
When someone loses a spouse, or loved one, a numb feeling sets in and they are stunned and surprised
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York with that one famous tree, nearly a half century ago, which makes me at least a half century
No one wants to have his or her heart broken. When you lose a spouse the pain can be excruciating, unpredictable and relentless. This harsh
When I was young girl I suffered from severe dysmenorrhea, which in plain English is menstrual cramps. Now before you say TMI,please hear me out.As
The afternoon after my husband had died, I was thrust into a state of numbness and uncertainty. I experienced shock and disbelief. I spent the
When I was a young girl in my teens, I used to spend a week in the summers with a great aunt who lived in
The morning that my husband died was rather unspectacular. There were no angels’ trumpets, the sky did not open up and drop a stairway leading
Brave in a New World narrates the effects of the grieving process – a long and arduous course whereby the only one one who can get through it is the one who is left.
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