Seeing the Light

About Being Reborn

Many, many years ago I dated a guy who did not celebrate American holidays. It was just not his thing. He would celebrate birthdays because

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Seeing the Light

Rising Through Resilience

“Find your voice and do not allow others to poke you as you heal from whatever circumstance you may find yourself in. Speak up, set

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Seeing the Light

We’re Always Heading Home

Have you ever taken a bird’s-eye view of your entire life? Imagine yourself floating above the earth high enough to view a timeline of your life.You would

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Seeing the Light

Hope in the Dark

After we lose a spouse, this new silence in our lives is deafening.We are used to the familiar sounds of our loved ones and, after

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Seeing the Light

Don’t Straddle the Fence

I consider myself to be rather decisive about most things. I haven’t always been, it’s something I recently grew into. I don’t like to vacillate

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Seeing the Light

Turning Lemons

I’ve had a lot of time since my husband Chuck passed away to think about how I ended up in this place. I really wanted

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get my book!

Brave in a new world!

Brave in a New World narrates the effects of the grieving process – a long and arduous course whereby the only one one who can get through it is the one who is left.

Brave in a new world - book written by Yvonne Broady - grief author

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