Birthday Season-I’m Here for It

Birthday Season-I’m Here for It

After my husband Chuck passed away, now so many years ago, I was sure that I would never celebrate anything ever again. I knew that I would never celebrate Christmas, my birthday, his birthday or our anniversary. I knew that I would never celebrate life in the way that I had up ’til that point. But time has a way of easing the pain and hurt that one suffers after loss, and eventually I was actually able to enjoy the seasons, the flowers, the special moments and holidays that my husband and I had shared together. It didn’t occur right away but with passing time. Eventually though, every special occasion got easier to acknowledge and enjoy. I would soon sigh a sigh of relief acknowledging that I had successfully lived through those special days and became determined to continue to push forward with my life. My family and friends helped me through it all, each in their own way. They gave whatever they could, some as great listeners, hearing me, with out interrupting, as I lamented over my loss. They remembered me and showered way with love, as I moved forward into the next chapter of my life. It was the smaller celebrations that I appreciated so, and bigger ones to mark those important milestones that I would reach, no longer with Chuck, but on my own. I realized that I came into this world alone and eventually I will leave alone but in the in-between I needed to make a new life for myself.

All the birthdays since……

When I turned 70 I was so proud of the fact that I had arrived at a good place in my life. So today as I think back on my birthdays before Chuck, my birthdays with him, and my birthdays since then, I cherish and relish all the wonderful times that I have enjoyed and I am grateful for those who have surrounded me with love and encouragement and lots of good cheer.

So as I celebrate 74, I look forward to the rest of my life as it unfolds in the way that God has destined for me. I now understand and appreciate this journey, having gained much wisdom over these recent years, lessons learned as I rely on my Holy Spirit, which is my intuition, to point me in the right direction.

To be loved is something we should cherish and hold dear, never to be taken for granted. Thus, for me, it is love that has brought me to this place and I am here for it.

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5 Responses

  1. Your words are very inspiring, and you are so amazing, how you have evolved in your thoughts, mind, body, and spirit from 2009 to 2022. Please keep journaling, blogging and opening yourself up to new experiences for every stage of your life. Life is a journey whether you are grieving or just living from one stage of life to another. Thank you for being so vulnerable strong, and bold to share your emotional story with the world.

  2. Happy Birthday Beautiful… You are such an inspiration and deeply insightful. May You continue to soar and enjoy life.

  3. Happy birthday ,Thankyou for your inspirational words. I too hope one day to be able to do this ,reading your posts really gives me hope.

  4. Birthday Greetings Yvonne, I often think of you, your artistry and spirit. I share your wisdom and inspiration with friends. Continue to enjoy and celebrate life‼️

    1. Hi Lorraine,
      Thank you for sharing my work.It’s been a quite the journey from “there” to “here” , but I’m grateful for the opportunity to uplift other widows.
      Hope you’re doing well.I wish you continued blessings.xoxo💕

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About Yvonne Broady

Yvonne Broady is a former public-school educator turned author. She lost her husband to pancreatic cancer in 2009 and her powerful experience with grief, loss and healing inspired her to write Brave in a New World: A Guide to Grieving the Loss of a Spouse. She blogs about her experience and gives comforting and helpful advice to those who have experienced loss and are navigating a grief journey. 

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Brave in a New World narrates the effects of the grieving process – a long and arduous course whereby the only one one who can get through it is the one who is left.

Brave in a new world - book written by Yvonne Broady - grief author

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